Sunday, December 30, 2012

Living in France as an Indonesian

Well, certainly, there are many things that you can do in France.

1. Transportation

You'll be able to travel to each cities using either train, airplane (budget airline, I prefer), and also car!
what I'd like to discuss is where you can travel with cars and get other people to travel with you. It is popular in France when you want to go to other cities but you want to share the money. (P.S--the highway in France is pretty expensive). you can go to . Like other social media, you can see other people with their bios, their cars, where they'd go, and how much you should pay for the trip (depend on the country you want to go). But make sure you have a quite good francais, because not many people there speaks good English.
this is what you'll see in the page. make a new account, and then you can choose which town (la ville) where you want to go and where you depart.
French people are nice. and don't worry this type of transportation is safe, because it is widely accessed in webs, and they also give you a lot of info about the journey. most of the covoiturage is a daily traveller, where they mostly will go frequently. instead of travel alone and burden by the price, it will be great if you share te load with other. :).

oh, and below is my covoiturage mate and his car. :)

It's easier to travel to other cities by train, especially when you're under 26 years od, you'll get extra reduction. :D. you can directly go to gare SNCF (train station in France) or go to to find the schedule and prices.

When you want to travel locally you can take buses and also trams, where they have it in almost every cities in France. They are very punctual in time, and quite frequent, so that you won't miss the buses that late. In clermont-ferrand, you need to have a card to travel by tram. you can buy the card in a counter near the town square or buy a single ticket/billet in each tram station. you have to have coins or credit card to buy them.  The card (temporary one) can be used for both tram and bus.

2. organization (PPI France)

PPI - persatuan pelajar Indonesia is an association for Indonesian student who studies abroad. Usually they have a lot of activities, many of them are for celebrating national holidays and religious holiday*where most of the students will not be in Indonesia to celebrate it. We'll meet a lot of people, wide range of ages and background. I even met a cross cultural family. They stayed in Clermont Ferrand, where tante Upi (Indonesian) will cooked for every Indonesian who come to Clermont. Her husband, Mr.Pierre and their daughters Annisa and Inez will stay and take us around Clermont. C'est cool!

Maybe you'll find other stories when you join other city's PPI. Here's me and shafira's mate from Jogja, Cathia, who got erasmus mundus scholarship to 6 differents countries.

3. Food

Well, it is our basic need to fulfill our hunger. yes, the French are famous for its... Cheese !
if you go to France, make sure you taste at least 50 cheeses! hahhaa (they have hundreds! ). the wine in Bordeaux are the best, though I never taste it, they proclaimed so. Other thing that you need to go if you want to taste the culinary of French are to Bordeaux, the gastronomy city, and it is famous for it's seafood (every year, bordeaux's youth make a book of where to eat, what to eat and all reccomendation places in Bordeaux), handy!
My host friend, cindy listed some of French dishes that we need to try. And luckily, we've try most of the food.

- Crepe- yes, crepe! it is originally from Francois' (my host in Clermont) city in Bretagne. this crepe is sweet, where the salty one is called 'gallate'. Here's Cindy's gallate for me and shafira

-Poullet basquaise. a chicken and tomatoes. It is fresh and delicious. :)

- Quiche. like pizza, but thinner layer of bread. quite simple really, because most of them already have the bottom layer that you can easily buy in any supermarche.

- Ratatouille. you know the cartoon, well it is a mixture between pumpkin and tomatoes, it taste good!

- When you go to Bordeaux, make sure you taste "Fruit de la Mer', (seafood). c'est bon !
Fois gras also a good appetizer, and Canule (make sure you taste this cake, it's famous in Bordeaux)

Required documents before you go (2011) as a student:

as a tourist - tourist visa
Here is the list of required documents according to your situation.
Visa type : Short stay
Travel purpose : Tourist visit
Date of birth : 1991-09-04
Nationality : Indonesia
Occupation : Student
    .     Short stay visa application form, original Download
    .     Two recent, identity photos Size 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm, with white background, taken within 6 months.
    .     Round-trip flight ticket booking from/to Indonesia, copy
    .     Insurance, original Insurance issued by Europe company or local authorized company. More information.
    .     Insurance, copy
    .     Hotel booking for the whole stay in Schengen area (Internet reservations without credit card guarantee could not be accepted), copy Or lodging attestation issued by the local town hall of host person residence covering the whole period of the stay (original+copy) or property ownership certificate or leasing contract in France
    .     Personal bank statement mentioning the current amount on the account, original
    .     Personal bank statement mentioning the current amount on the account, copy
    .     Letter from the school, original
    .     Letter from the school, copy
    .     Letter from the school, translation
    .     Certificate of Registered Family and Permanent Residence (family card), copy Copies of all pages which contains information about the applicant and family member.
    .     Passport, original A national private passport or official travel document valid for at least more than 3 months beyond the validity of the requested visa, with two blank visa pages with the mention “visa” to affix the visa sticker.
    .     Passport, copy Two copies of the pages of the passport containing personal data.
    .     Old passports, original If you're in possession of one or more previous passports, it is mandatory to bring it.
    .     Old passports, copy Copies of the pages of every old passports containing personal data.

Student visa
(Pardon for my writing in Bahasa)

    .     Formulir aplikasi visa jangka pendek, asli Download / Simpan di komputer.
    .     2 lembar foto yang sama dan baru Ukuran 3.5cm x 4.5cm, dengan latar belakang putih, diambil dalam 6 bulan terakhir
    .     Tiket perjalanan pulang pergi dari Indonesia, fotokopi
    .     Asuransi, asli Asuransi yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan Eropa atau perusahaan dalam negeri yang resmi. Informasi lebih lanjut.
    .     Asuransi, fotokopi
    .     Sertifikat bea siswa yang menyatakan jumlah dan lamanya bea siswa tersebut ATAU jaminan dari pihak ketiga untuk membayarkan pelajar tersebut sedikitnya 430 euros per bulan dan bukti keuangan sang penjamin ATAU rekening bank pelamar, asli
    .     Sertifikat tersebut, fotokopi
    .     Sertifikat tersebut, terjemahan
    .     Pendaftaran sekolah di Perancis, asli Atau perjanjian dari sekolah di Perancis
    .     Pendaftaran sekolah di Perancis, fotokopi
    .     Pemesanan hotel selama di daerah Schengen (pemesanan lewat Internet tanpa jaminan kartu kredit tak bisa diterima), fotokopi Atau pengesahan tempat penginapan dari balai kota tempat tinggal orang yang mengundang anda selama anda di Perancis (asli dan fotokopi) atau sertifikat bukti hak milik rumah atau kontrak sewa di Perancis
    .     Surat motivasi yang ditulis oleh pelajar, asli Dengan penjelasan
    .     Surat motivasi yang ditulis oleh pelajar, fotokopi
    .     Surat ijazah, asli Atau sertifikat pendidikan lainnya yang setara
    .     Surat ijazah, fotokopi
    .     Surat ijazah, terjemahan
    .     Surat jaminan keuangan dari semua penjamin untuk segala jenis pengeluaran selama perjalanan, asli
    .     Bukti hubungan antara pelamar dengan yang menjamin, asli Jika diperlukan, boleh dalam bentuk surat dari sang penjamin menjelaskan hubungan dengan pelamar dan alasan kunjungan
    .     Bukti hubungan antara pelamar dengan yang menjamin, fotokopi
    .     Bukti kerja dan pendapatan orang yang menjamin, asli Surat pajak terakhir, 3 slip gaji terakhir atau pendaftaran dagang, rekening bank selama 3 bulan terakhir, dll
    .     Bukti kerja dan pendapatan orang yang menjamin, fotokopi
    .     Bukti kerja dan pendapatan orang yang menjamin, terjemahan
    .     Paspor sang penjamin, fotokopi
    .     Cap masuk dan keluar dari Indonesia, jika orang tersebut tidak tinggal tetap di Indonesia, fotokopi
    .     Kartu keluarga dan tempat tinggal yang terdaftar, fotokopi Fotokopi dari halaman yang berisi informasi tentang pemohon dan anggota keluarga.
    .     Paspor, asli Paspor pribadi nasional atau dokumen perjalanan yang resmi dengan tanggal berlaku lebih dari 3 bulan lewat dari tanggal berlaku visa yang diminta, dengan 2 halaman kosong untuk dimana visa stiker akan ditempel (tertera tulisan “Visa” )
    .     Paspor, fotokopi Fotokopi 2 lembar halaman paspor yang berisi data pribadi.
    .     Paspor lama, asli Jika anda punya 1 atau lebih paspor lama, anda harus membawa paspor-paspor lama tersebut.
    .     Paspor lama, fotokopi Fotokopi halaman semua paspor lama yang berisi data pribadi.
Do not worry *for those who wear hijab* for the picture requirements, you are allowed to use it and cover your neck, but you must show both of your ears. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Medical student in France

Melalui IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Student Association), saya berkesempatan untuk melakukan pertukaran pelajar ke Clermont Ferrand, Perancis, yang merupakan ibukota dari regio tersebut dan satu-satunya kota di yang memiliki universitas kedokteran. Saya mendapat kontrak untuk belajar di departemen Obstetry and Gynecology di CHU Estaing. Departemen Obstetry Geynoecology di CHU Estaing merupakan salah satu yang terbaik di seluruh Perancis, dan mereka sering mendapat pelajar dari negara lain sehingga komunikasi dan penerimaan mahasiswa asing bukan hal yang baru. Semua civitas rumah sakit sangat hangat dan ramah sehingga membuat suasana kegiatan di rumah sakit terasa menyenangkan.
Beberapa istilah mengenai tingkatan pendidikan di Perancis: Extern adalah mereka yang duduk di tahun ke 4, 5 dan 6. Dimana mereka harus menghabiskan 6 minggu di rumah sakit, dan 6 minggu setelah berada di rumah sakit mereka mengikuti kuliah dan kegiatan kampus lainnya (termasuk dengan membahas kasus yang berada di rumah sakit). Hal ini berlangsung terus menerus sampai seluruh departemen telah mereka lalui. Dalam hal ini, mereka bagaikan koas di Indonesia, yang bedanya koas akan terus berada di RS tanpa harus kembali ke universitas, dan koas tidak dibayar sedangkan extern dibayar. Intern adalah mereka yang menjalankan pendidikan di jenjang spesialis, dan layaknya residen di Indonesia. 
Ada beberapa hal yang saya perhatikan mengenai perbedaan sistem pendidikan di Perancis, yakni : 
Professional behaviour adalah sesuatu yang sangat dijunjung tinggi oleh kampus-kampus di Indonesia, yang pakaian merupakan salah satu kriterianya. Mahasiswa Indonesia tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan jeans dan celana pendek atau rok pendek,  baju tanpa lengan, dan tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan sendal. Hal ini saya anggap wajar karena dokter merupakan panutan bagi pasien dan sudah seharusnya dan sewajarnya berpakaian rapi dan bersih dan terlihat profesional. Namun, mahasiswa Perancis diperkenankan menggunakan itu semua dengan catatan mereka menggunakan jas putih mereka diatas itu. Hal ini cukup mencengangkan saya karena mereka tampak santai dengan balutan tersebut yang ditutupi oleh jas putih kebesaran mereka. Namun hal ini membuat saya tersadar bahwa culture yang mereka miliki sudah berbeda dan perspective orang-orang mengenai hal ini pun sudah sangat berbeda. Dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung.  
-      Pembagian jadwal kedatangan extern dan intern
Para extern akan menyesuaikan kebutuhan akan kehadiran mereka di RS. Apabila yang dibutuhkan hanya 2 extern dari 4 yang berjaga di departemen tersebut, maka mereka akan bergantian dan yang lainnya memiliki hari kosong. Tidak seperti mahasiswa di Indonesia yang mewajibkan semua koasnya untuk datang. Namun hal ini tentu sangat berbeda karena pasien yang mereka miliki jauh lebih sedikit dari pasien yang ada di Indonesia. 
-Ujian masuk kedokteran dan ujian Spesialis
Seluruh siswa di Perancis berhak mengikuti ujian masuk kedokteran. Tahun pertama mereka akan belajar hal yang dasar seperti biokimia, fisika, matematika dsb. Dan di tahun berikutnya mereka akan mendapat hasil ujian yang ber-ranking. Hanya yang berada di urutan 150an yang berhak melanjutkan studinya di kedokteran. Bagi mereka yang gagal namun masih berada di ranking tertentu dapat melanjutkan studinya di kedokteran gigi, atau kedokteran hewan atau keperawatan. Dan apabila mereka menginginkan untuk mengulang, mereka diperbolehkan untuk mecoba 1 kali. Bila mereka gagal maka mereka harus mengubah pilihan kuliah mereka.
Untuk program spesialisasi, setelah tahun ke 6, mahasiswa akan menjalani ujian nasional untuk berlomba-lomba mendapat ranking terbaik disana.  
Bahasa yang mereka gunakan adalah bahasa Perancis, dengan text book berbahasa Perancis. Mereka tidak terbiasa dengan bahasa Inggris dikarenakan hal tersebut dan sistem pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Perancis memang dianggap kurang. Mereka tidak terbiasa mendegar kata-kata bahasa Inggris, bahkan di bioskop, film Hollywood pun di dubbing dengan bahasa mereka. Di bangku sekolah, mereka dapat memilih bahasa kedua mereka , namun Inggris bukan bahasa yang dianggap wajib oleh mereka.  
Rumah sakit di Perancis memiliki suatu aturan bahwa petugas medis tidak diperbolehkan menunjukan identitas keagamaan mereka seperti berjilbab atau menggunakan kalung bersalib, dsb. Saya bersyukur berada di ruang operasi sehingga saya menggunakan scrub untuk menutupi rambut saya. Saya pernah berada di ruang konsultasi dan sang dokter berbaik hati mengizinkan saya berada disana tanpa harus melepaskan hijab saya.

5 cm quotes

“Setiap kamu punya mimpi atau keinginan atau cita-cita,
kamu taruh di sini, di depan kening kamu
jangan menempel, biarkan dia
5 cm di depan kening kamu
jadi dia nggak akan pernah lepas dari mata kamu”
Donny Dhirgantoro

“Kemudian yang kamu perlukan hanyalah kaki yang akan melangkah lebih jauh, tangan yang akan berbuat lebih banyak, mata yang akan melihat lebih lama, leher yang akan lebih sering mendongak, tekad yang setebal baja, dan hati yang akan bekerja lebih keras serta mulut yang selalu berdoa.”
 ― Donny Dhirgantoro

Je suis alle a VENICE


The cities that I’ve been dreaming about: the gondolas, the buildings, the views, and there I finally able to see. You won’t see any metro or tram or bicycle for the street is so tiny that it won't fit most of our motor and land transportation. They have exactly the same route as in metros, but with waterbus that you may get it for 15 euros for 1 day (and you may use this for buses too). Venice walking and gondola tour cost us 35 euro. Well, it’s using the then you can get this good price. Normally, it will cost you 80 euro, but it is 35 euro with this tour.  Venice was famous for it’s carnival mask and gondola, so you must try these there.
Little information, venice has 2 station, santa Lucia where you ay see the gondola and the beautiful Venice right away and also the Venice Mestre. If you want to have a good price, you stay at Mestre, then you travel to St.Lucia by bus. The famous place there is the Piazza St.Marco, where all the tours started. 
 Venice with it's grand canal

You'll see abundant shops selling mask. Yes, venice is famous for it's mask. Too bad the opera cost us a lot of money, so we didn't watch the opera. Next time, Insya Allah I promise to myself that I have to see the best opera in town. :)

So whenever you have the load to stay in these kind of hotels, make sure you try it. Try the sensation of having a gondola driver takes you across the street instead of a limo. :)

Oh, and venice is famous for it's seafood and tiramishu (Italian style). make sure you try them.

Je suis alle a l'Europe (Brussels, Koln, Dusseldorf and Prague)


Quick tips in Brussel : make sure you ask people the road there due to it’s quite confusing and the maps is unclear. *or it is just me, but my advise is you ask the right road there. The famous part in Brussel was in Bouser, you may walk there from the station, or you maytake the metro to annasanse, and take a walk to the Manekin Piss. 

There you might also go to the Grand Market and other city sight seeing. Also, you must try Brussels’ waffles, it is worth to try in the right country. :P
Brussel is also the city of TINTIN

If you are interested, Brussel has comic museum, and also Tintin museum, it is worth to see. 


 The famous Koln cathedral

Not many tips that I can give you, but if you have anything to do with business, then Düsseldorf will be one of the choices to go, not the university, but to work. My friend there was accepted there, and business was fine there. If you get to see to Düsseldorf, then you have to see the Rein river, well, it said that it is the place to hang outs. And before you go to Dusseldorf, make sure you stop by in Koln, here you may see the beautiful cathedral just in front of the station lobby. 

 here we are, in Dusseldorf germany, enjoying our Korean food (topoki, kimchi, and bulgogi).
FYI, gerynd and dinna are huge fans of CNBLUE band form Korea.

Je suis alle a l'Europe: First destination, TURKEY


Yes, excited! My heart pounded as we leaving bandara Soekarno Hatta for the unforgettable trip, Europe !
First disaster was during baggage check in, where I overloaded my baggage. It suppose to be 20 kg, mine was 24. But the worker there helped me by giving me tips to take out 2 kg from my luggage to be transfer to my backpack. So I need to carry 2 kg more in my hands. Loads up for my biceps! :D. Well here’s the tips : Make sure you know the maximum kg of your luggage, and also in some International flight, you are not allowed to bring 2 carriage to the plane. If so, make sure one of it is just a plastic bag or hand carriage.  Because usually 20 kg is the maximum luggage, *except in first class they allow you to bring 30kg, or else you will be charged around 20-30USD per kg.
Then I waved goodbye to my families and continue to the immigration part. Fortunately, today we didn’t need to fill up the immigration card. It is so much helpful, since we didn’t spent many of our times from doing it.
At the airplane, one comment for sure: I’ve got to see marathon movies! Hahhaa. Well, it killed time though, so I didn’t sleep much like I used to. :P
From Jakarta to Amsterdam via Turkish Airlines, we will stop at 3 countries; Singapore, Turkey and then Amsterdam.
Singapore! Well, I still wonder whether it was the procedure or other reasons, because we need to get out of the plane, which is the same plane we’re going to take to Turkey, and we need to bring all our carriage there. And so, another exercise for me, Prilly and gerynd.

Sultan Ahmet square

Turkey! Welcome Turkey.  I found it they have a cute language. Cikis was their language for exit. at least that I can remember. If you stop at Turkey, make sure you do ‘Stop over’! It is provided by the Turkish Airlines where if you stop over for more than 6hours, then you may get this trip free*no exception. All you need to do was go to the VISA desk, ask for visa on arrival and pay 25USD. Then, proceed to the passport checking, and find “CIKIS”, go to your right, find Starbucks, there you find Turkish Airlines booth to register the city tour. Well, the meal, the trip, and all that are free. They’ll hold your boarding pass, and they’ll ask you to sit at Starbucks and you just wait for your names to be called.
Joining the Turkish airlines was great. It was free, and the guide was so friendly. Her name is Aisha, and the driver is Ismail. We went on an elf like car; there were 15 of us with different routes to go.  Well, we first was brought to Amara restaurant, a Turkish restaurant where the name came from a northern Turkish area legend, about this girl named Amara, who was suicide in a sea *or lake? if I’m not mistaken, then it called Amara sea. The breakfast was okay, they gave us a bread like prata bread, a chicken soup and a sweet tea.
The first stop was the Sultanahmet square. (old historical peninsula). There were 4 different statue, the first on was the hypodorm, a german gift to the sultan which was signed by the sultan itself in the top of the roof of the dome. And also it was function as a fountain, since they have few taps in the wall of it. The next statue, just about 300 meters from it, was the obelisk that was given by an Egyptian. The next statue I wasn’t really remembers the name, and the last one was also an obelisk but smaller than the Egypt one, that was built during constatine empire. 

            My favorite place was Sultan Ahmet’s mosque, named after the Sultan and was popular with the name Blue Mosque. It has 6 main entrance, A-F, and each of it, it has this teralis on the wall where it was used for tie the horses from the Turkish people hundred years ago. Only the sultan can bring horses inside the mosque. If you look closer to each entrance, it has this chain of chandler, so whenever a person, in this case the sultan, brings a horse inside, he must bent down to avoid the chains on the gate so it wouldn’t bumped him. This is said to remind us that even the sultan has to respect the Mosque and all the people that prays there. Also if you look beside the gate, there are 2 doors, called 2 spaces, where people who found stuffs inside the mosque or at the park, they will put it there in the spaces so whenever someone found their lost stuffs, they’ll find it there. The mosque itself had 6 minarets, which usually the common mosque will only have 3-4 of it. These numbers represent the powerfulness of the mosque and the area itself. This mosque was still used until now, they made of 20.000 blue tiles. At the entrance, we need to open our shoes and put them in the plastic bags, also they give us a blue cloth to cover part of body such as arm, shorts, etc. Well they didn’t give me the cloth, I am fully covered. :P And inside the building surprises me, the mosque was not that blue, but if you see the wall of the mosque, it was covered by the blue tiles. The window, was my favorite. It has colorful glasses and many chandeliers above it. Using a bit of imagination, this building will be so beautiful when the lamp was all lighten up. 

            The next one will be Hagia Sophia, where this museum was formerly a church that is turn to be a mosque. But then it was decided to make it as a museum, so everyone can see it, despite what their religion are. Paradoxically, you’ll see these huge symbols of Allah and Muhammad, and also the mimbar in the front center of the building. On the other hand, you may also see the Jesus Christ and all the Christian signs in the walls, and also the most noticeable sign was the angel in the top of the building, beside the Islamic symbols. Hagia Sophia has 2 floor, you have to see both floors, since you may see the entire building thoroughly. Sense the atmosphere on how people used to sacrifice themselves for their religion and they’re rights to have this as their place to pray. 

            The end of the trip we went to a market in the Sultan Ahmet’s square, where there was this photo booth with Turkey’s traditional clothing. It is quite expensive though, 5 euro per photo. Well, at least we have the evidence we’ve been there. :P. Next we went to Amara restaurant *again, and they served us this chicken soup, roasted chicken, prata bread, salad full of beat fruit, cauliflowers, and carrots. The drink was Airan *trust me, you don’t want to drink this. Hahhahaa. But it is worth to try. :D It said that it is served with 2 flavor, sour and salty, and what I taste is the salty one. It is yoghurt, but it salty. (Just imagine the taste). Next we went to the Topkapi palace, where all the kings and their families lived. It was was huge and they had very beautiful gardens. 

We get to see the sea and the Istanbul-Asia part from the palace. there were they’re jewelry rooms and of course, my favorite place, Turkey is never complete without they’re mosque.
Oh, and it is said that you have to try the Turkish delight , and turkish ice cream: MADO. 

            Our time was up, we said goodbye to our tour guide Aisha, and we hop on to the plane to our next destination. Holland!